API for Third Party Integration

Sivendi System is capable of translating various interface into vending machine mechanism, integrated with the API, so it can support your creative needs.

API for Third Party Integration

Sivendi System is capable of translating various interface into vending machine mechanism, Third Party API Integration allows you to develop custom “tailor made” applications that connect directly with your third-party software and aims to utilize these systems to provide new features that outside the standard feature provides.

This allows cutting the costs of integration and provides extreme flexibility. The API Documentation, supplied by Sivendi team, contains all of the technical details required for programmers to integrate the software or custom application to Sivendi System.

If your software vendor is able to connect to the provided API, then you have an opportunity to integrate to a custom software application that is specialized for your needs.

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Jalan Kuantan No. 6, Cideng, Gambir,
Jakarta Pusat – Indonesia 10150



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+62 811-9151-581


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